Easy Standard saw 5x faster server response time

Faster Server Response Time
Decrease in First Paint Time
Decrease in mobile CPU usage

The challenge

Outrunning the Competition with a Faster Storefront

In 2021, Easy Standard launched on Shopify. As a relatively new business, they have a lean team which means Sabrina Pereira (head of growth) wears a lot of hats — including overseeing website functionality and upgrades.

Even after hiring a developer who was a Shopify certified partner, Easystandard noticed the site was sluggish and not loading as fast as those of established competitors. With 89% of Easy Standards customers on mobile with varying connection speeds, Sabrina knew fixing the speed was even more critical than ever. 

“Our site felt sluggish, which didn’t make for a great customer experience.”

The solution

Low-Risk, Easy-to-Monitor Acceleration

That’s when he was referred to Edgemesh. 

Sabrina initially liked the fact that trying the product felt low-risk. With a monthly plan, he didn’t have to make a long-term commitment upfront. And the onboarding process was quick and didn’t require extensive changes to the site. 

He figured if Edgemesh wasn’t the right fit, he could just walk away. 

But after just 2-3 weeks, they started seeing improvements to his site speed and performance, and the lag that had been bothering him was gone. Edgemesh’s reporting tools, which offer a finer level of granularity than he could find elsewhere, have also made it easy for them to monitor the site’s performance. If conversions go down one day, he can determine whether that’s related to site speed or he needs to troubleshoot further.

“We regularly look to see how the site's performing speed wise. None of the other speed services will give you sort of that level of granularity and ability to monitor trends over time.”

Request time plummeted, resulting in major overall performance increases.

Real time Pagespeed Insights

The Results

A User Experience that Increases Conversions

Since using Edgemesh, Easy Standard’s site has seen significant speed improvements.

The server response time is five times faster. The time to interactive is twice as fast. The first paint time has decreased by 40%. And mobile CPU usage has decreased by 30%.

And thanks to Edgemesh’s analytics tools, Easystandard has noticed a strong correlation between that speed and the site’s conversion rate.

Ultimately, Sabrina found that Edgemesh was more affordable than alternatives, and he sees a beneficial ROI not only now but potentially for the future. She feels Edgemesh could have the ability to delay or even eliminate the company’s need to hire a CTO. For now, Sabrina and the team can focus on building a brand that keeps their customers coming back for more.

“We've been pleased with the conversion lift, and it's had a meaningful impact on our revenue and our marketing performance.”

Want to learn how Edgemesh can help you?

See for yourself how Edgemesh can help you leverage speed to drive a better shopper experience and stronger business results.
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