The 2022 Ultimate Guide to Website Speed and Optimization

The Engagement Stage: Unveiling the Story Behind Every Click

In the middle of the funnel, we really start to understand our shoppers' behaviors, one click at a time. Let's look into some dimensional analysis and see how it gives us insights that are key to understanding how customers take their first step to the final stage of purchasing, adding items to their cart.

Dimensional Analysis: The Key to eCommerce Optimization

If you remember from the Acquisition stage and the top of the funnel we used dimensional analysis to understand what factors or influences are affecting our north star metrics. We’re going to apply the same principle and process here, one step further into the funnel, to gain insights on what’s causing changes, up or down, to our Engagement metrics.

An Underperforming Facebook Campaign

Take, for example, an intriguing segment uncovered by our trusty Edgemesh® Analytics ML engine:

  • Campaign Name: "TOF/MOF/BOF Extended BF Singles V2" on Facebook.
  • Segment Size: 1,012 customers.
  • Segment Cart Active User Rate: 18.77%.
  • Population Cart Active User Rate: 32.66%.
  • Percent Difference: -42.51%.

At first glance, the Cart Active User Rate for this Facebook campaign segment might seem discouraging, especially when it's trailing behind the overall population rate by over 42%. But this is where the story gets interesting. What led to this lower engagement? Was it the campaign messaging, the audience targeting, or perhaps the product selection? It could be many things, so looking for different angles is the best approach.

Landing Pages and Journeys

Maybe it’s the customer journey. Imagine a shopper who lands on a homepage full of content (landing page), gets intrigued by a sale page (second page), and then wanders over to the new arrivals (third page). These touchpoints reveal a narrative of curiosity, interest, and desire that dimensional analysis helps us to understand and optimize which journeys are most preferable to certain customers, such as FB users.

The Role of New and Returning Visitors

In our shop, we see new users, newly familiar with the brand, returning users, already familiar with the store. By observing the different behaviors of these two groups, we gain valuable insights into how to tailor the shopping experience to meet their needs. Certain pages and journeys will be more or less applicable depending on whether they have been here or not. Is our FB campaign serving mostly new or returning users?

Speed on Site

Speed is of the essence in keeping our shoppers engaged. The Cache Hit Rate tells us how many of our pages are served quickly to a visitor for a snappy, smooth experience. A higher rate means more pages load quickly, keeping our shoppers happy and reducing page abandonment.

A Global Reach

Our shop is global, and by looking at the country and region dimensions, we learn which parts of the world our visitors hail from. This insight can lead to localized promotions, tailored content, and even personalized product recommendations. Are our visitors from FB from countries we expect? Is Advantage+ accidentally on?

The Device and Language Connection

The device (uaDevice) and primary language (uaLangPrimary) tell us if our shoppers prefer mobile browsing in French or desktop shopping in English. This helps us to optimize their experience, by localizing and translating where applicable to keep visitors engaged.

The Subtle Art of Discounts: Cart Total and Cart Items

Discounts are a big key to the middle of the funnel prompting customers to add items to cart for a special price or promo. The cart total and cart items dimensions give us a peek into the shoppers' carts, revealing whether savings entice additional add to cart actions.

Remember that the middle of the funnel is where the heart of engagement happens. It's where dimensions interact together to form our understanding of how customers are viewing and adding products.

Next up, we'll take move from engaged browsing to the act of purchase.

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